Tuesday 6 October 2009

Cooking course

Today I went to Omatesando to do a cooking course, this is organised through the AFJ - Association des Français du Japon http://cms.afj-japon.org/index.php?id=45 it was an easy morning, watching Akiko prepare different sauces etc for the meals. She showed us how to do some of it and then we helped. I was expecting to be doing alot more "cooking" but I still really enjoyed it and then we ate together. There were 5 of us in total, 3 ladies I hadn't met before who were all very nice and my lovely neighbour Anne. It was useful and interesting to find out a bit more about some of the sauces, ingredients etc as it is hard knowing what you are buying sometimes.

We made Riz au thon (sashimi with rice and a lovely sauce)
Furofuki daikon, pot au feu de navet "oden" à la sauce miso (Japanese radish again with a good sauce)
Glace au thé vert (yum but I cant make this at home as we don't have an ice cream maker but really tasty and good for you... ish)

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