We had a great time with them, visited the normal "tourist" places and also just sent them off on their own a lot with our phone number just in case they got lost. They did pretty well and hopefully enjoyed tokyo they seemed to find some nice places for a relaxing glass of wine or 2 :-). We also took them to Odiba for the day (one of the dry days), which is always nice as it is a little way out of the center and has a beach so feels nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo life.
Monday was another horrible day weather wise so we thought we could go to some local museums for the day, lovely.... NOT!! All closed on a Monday... bugger! Oh well we went and did some shopping instead and nice lunch. :-) They were also with us to see Robert Cray which was great. Tuesday they headed off to Kyoto for 2 days, came back on Mia's birthday and came with us to the Teppan Yaki restaurant for a fab meal... hummm seems all we did was eat!! :-) They loved Kyoto and stayed in a great hotel, enjoyed the temples etc and the weather was nice, result!
They were due to leave Friday morning but Thursday night we heard about the volcano in Iceland, after looking into it a bit more realised pretty quickly that their flight had been cancelled. :-( They decided the best thing would be to go the airport anyway and see what could be done. Not alot!! They left yesterday (19th April) for Singapore as Pat's sister lives there but have been told that 1st flight they can get on back to the UK is the 1st May... for the moment!!
Hope you can get home soon, thanks for the visit, great to see you both, next time Vegas!!
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